Jul 25, 2023Liked by Geoff Olson

Even though dubious new age authors have written copiously on such esoteric concepts as the Merkerbah field, authors like Drunvalo (not his real name) Melchizedek, I still come across enough references to this to think of it as a little more serious and antiquarian than just some new age fad; and it's the kind of rainbow bridge of light that connects the Eleusinian mysteries to the U.F.O phenomenon. Maybe the hobgoblins of conspiracy theory conceal the cracks in our spurious world of illusion bleeding the daylight of reality.

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Yes, there is a weird bridge there of some kind…hope to explore that more in a future piece here! Thanks, Alan/

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"Reserved for forgotten religions?" Not exactly. Nor did Christianity's triumph and the glorification of nature and planet as supreme spiritual forces mark a demise. Instead, a distinction was drawn between the Creator and the Created. To worship the creation is to be drawn into pantheism. "Spiritual forces" were also better defined as existing beyond the created world. A "ritualistic biotechnology of the soul" is still functioning in God's new plan.

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